Beans of Kato Nevrokopi
Kato Nevrokopi beans are PGI (Protected Geographical Indication) products certified by the European Union for the varieties:
A. Fasolia Gigantes-Elefantes [Giant beans - Elephants]
B. Fasolia Plake Mesosperma [Medium-sized, flat beans] They are cultivated in almost all the local communities of the Municipality and are sold in stores all over Greece.
Sowing is carried out in spring mainly in parallel channels (furrows). The plants are adapted to and thrive in a wide range of soils, fertilized mostly with phosphorus and potassium. They grow up to a height of 2.5-3 meters and the harvest of dry beans begins after about 2 months, when the pods turn yellow. They are then left to dry and threshed using threshing equipment. The yield in dried beans is about 300-400 kg per stremma. Bean plants are particularly sensitive to frost and are easily infected by fungi and pests. Since 2015 there has been an association in the region under the name "ASOP Kato Nevrokopi" (Agricultural Cooperative of Mountain Products of Kato Nevrokopi) with the aim of promoting, advertising and marketing beans.